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ActionAid & SIDA sign grant agreement for Governance Project

Swedish Embassy in Lusaka Acting Ambassador Sussana Hughes and ActionAid Country Director Faides TembaTemba During a grant signing ceremony in Lusaka

SIDA & ActionAid Grant Agreement signed


ActionAid Zambia and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) today signed a K150 million (SEK 66 million) grant agreement.

Particular support will also go to the Global Platform for youth engagements.

Embassy of Sweden in Lusaka, Acting Ambassador Susanna Hughes and ActionAid Board Chairperson Pamela Sibanda signed the agreement.

The grant agreement is for the project dubbed:

“Strengthening Civil Society Effectiveness in Promoting Good Governance and Increasing Citizens’ Awareness and Demand for Human Rights in Zambia Project-Phase II.” The project duration is four years.

The project gives more support to youths and women in Zambia but with an overall goal of increasing citizens’ awareness and demand for human rights in Zambia.

Speaking during the signing ceremony in Lusaka, Ms Hughes said Zambia has made positive strides in increasing civic space, but more needed to be done.

She said the project was the priority and demonstrated Sweden’s attachment to the role that the civil society played in building a nation where good governance is strengthened and human rights respected.

She also called for the participation of young people in the political process of the country.

ActionAid commended the Swedish Embassy (SIDA) for recognising the organisation to manage the grant.

Ms Sibanda has since called on other civil society organisations (CSOs) in Zambia to be proactive and ensure accountability from Government, as duty bearers.

She said the grant has a component on election monitoring support and hopes stakeholders in the civil society can start preparing for the 2026 elections and not wait the polling day.

She said the grant agreement was an affirmation of the long standing partnership between ActionAid and the Swedish government on matters that affect the people.

Actionaid Country Director Faides TembaTemba said the signing of the agreement followed the successful completion of Phase-I.

She said more activities have been added to the new agreement in line with the Country Strategic Plan.