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10th July 2024



ActionAid Zambia shares its displeasure and dissatisfaction by the conduct of the Zambia Police towards the four members of the FIX ZESCO PROTEST MOVEMENT.

The key demands by the citizens-led peaceful protest ere the poor management of loadshedding schedules and no clear plans on how ZESCO intends to handle the loadshedding.

It should be noted that under Bill of Rights of the Zambian Constitution, Article 20 guarantees freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart ideas and information without interference. Article 21 also provides for freedom of assembly and association, allowing citizens to assemble freely and associate with others and article 23 ensures that every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law as well as prohibits discrimination on various grounds including race, sex, ethnicity, religion, and political opinion. 

Zambia is also a signatory of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which gives guarantee and protection to the right to freedom of expression and the right to protest.

In view of the above and many other legal provisions that protect all Zambians, ActionAid unapologetically feels that airing grievances by citizens due to poor service delivery by ZESCO, a public utility company, that uses taxpayers’ money should not be responded with intimidation, unleashing fear and brutality and carrying out unwarranted arrests.  These are violations of human rights. 

As a country we need to come to terms and demand the protection of all Zambians especially those that oppose, hold duty bearers accountable or criticize public institutions for improved service delivery.

We know that Zambia is grappling with  drought effects which have affected many businesses in which Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) such as hair salons, welders, restaurants, skills shops, creative studios, and internet cafés.

The government should promote free democratic space for citizen participation and grievance mechanism without brutality, intimidation and unwarranted arrests. We urge the law enforcement agencies to act in the best interest of Zambia and protect its people without fear or favor but also, we urge ZESCO and the government especially to fulfil the promised free press, assembly and expression without police brutality. The detained FIX ZESCO PROTESTERS acted peacefully but also according to the law. Currently, Zambia is in dire need of bold leaders to emancipate this country from the ever-raising poverty levels in Zambia but also the cost of doing business which are the key things the government should prioritize to arrest and detain from society. 

We stand in solidarity with the four comrades and demand that amidst the Steering SADC Summit being hosted by Zambia, the activists should be released and allowed to air their grievances. Also, we argue ZESCO, that they meet the aggrieved citizens and provide answers to their demands in the same way ZESCO installs poles in the communities so they should go to the community and explain why its failing to adhere to the schedule which ZESCO itself created and plans on the management of loadshedding. 

It should also serve as a lesson for ZESCO whose so purpose of to “powering the nation”, that the El-Nino drought will continue, and the severity and intensity will increase. The question is, what will happen in the absence of rainfall? But also, these climate induced hazards are predictable and enhance they can be prevented. We have a history of the 2015-16 and 2018-2019 dry spell period and that is about 11years. In other words, what has ZESCO being doing during this time? Government through ZESCO should think about it if we were to be a serious country and grow economically. 

The four protesters are doing everything within the law, it’s on record that the protest is citizen led and the notification to the people was given and as of today, there was no written concerns from the police. Through Zambia Police we call for the release of the 4 compliant, peaceful and engaging protesters. A peaceful protest is sign of a million unheard voices and the police are to offer security and protection to all Zambians. ZESCO should act in good faith together with the police. We urge all human rights defenders and commissions to stand in solidarity with the detained comrades 



Faides TembaTemba